Never forget that every good leader must have a better successor.
But if you close doors for your subordinates because you are afraid they will be far better than you, you are not a leader.
The people see the spirit of the leadership in samura Kamara, awakening into limelight Score him self, if he become a true leader of the country.
Don’t just be a leader, be a great one. Being a leader is a privileged, but don’t misuse it, neither should he take undue advantage of your subordinates. He need to nature great minds into fulfilling their destiny.
Remember charity begins at home. In your business, be a great leader. Whenever you are place to watch over people, you have a be a good watcher.
A true leader should have the heart of a father. A father leads and ensure his family is safe.
He should provide for his own people sacrificially without using them for his personal agenda.
A leader should be compassionate. How can he be comfortable when your followers are living in abject poverty.
If the new direction can’t withstand criticism and he can’t withstand and survive the havoc of hate speech, he is not a leader.
A leader is a servant to all. If you don’t have a heart to serve others without looking for a reward, you are not a leader.
Be a leader for others to climb to the top. Don’t pull them down. His desire should be to make your followers better than yourself.
Ibrahim Saddam ‘d country e yai’, says we need to remember what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.