A Sierra Leonean has written an open letter to the All Peoples Congress Party (APC) on the current issues and happenings in the country.
His letter reads;

Dear APC leadership,

I write with concern for our nation’s stability and progress. While elections often bring disagreements, violence must never be an option in a democracy.

All Sierra Leoneans wish to see their families provided for and the country developed through capable leadership. Perhaps it’s time to move past accusations and instead discuss real solutions – how might government and opposition work constructively together on job creation, infrastructure, and citizens’ priorities?

As MLK said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” Our shared hopes far outweigh any differences. I pray wisdom and compassion will guide discussions going forward, so all voices and regions feel represented in governance.

Progress begins within. Sierra Leone’s promise lies in her united people, not in the power of any single group or leader. With open dialogue and a shared commitment to nonviolence, understanding can grow where tensions once lay.

Our nation has endured too much; let her children now build the just and prosperous Sierra Leone we all wish to see. I know that together, with good faith on all sides, this vision can be realized for coming generations.

In service and hope,

Ibrahim Sorieba Mansaray