For over centuries, Sierra Leone has employed an outskirt examination body all with the intentions to improve the status of education in the country. Little did we know that this action will totally diminish and decline not only the educational system but also the country which we solely beloved.

Imagine, the joy of a child being addressed into prep school, primary school, secondary and only to get stuck by an examination called WASSCE under the watchful eyes of the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC). WAEC being the sole head of such examination that have been controlling the destinies and fate of young and prospective Sierra Leoneans, the question remain is how is it possible for a student after being taught and tested on various occasions in class at different levels for this so called exams to just sit and fail miserably? With such disappointments students face up till this moment, they readily accepts their fates and determined to make a reseat no matter how many times just to ensure their dreams of entering into university being achieved and not even considering the amount of money which will have gone to drain and pockets of this outskirt, rogue, cheating examination body.

WAEC is not an examination body, it is just a scheme to exploit parents and render the youthful population of the country to the trenches and ghettos. This is what have always been the fate and claims of so many Sierra Leoneans who have fallen victims to their so called examination scheme, like the popular saying goes “99 days for the thieves, one day for the owner”. This is what has definitely befallen upon this so call examination institution.

The 2022-20223 WASSCE has definitely exposed the shenanigans of this deceitful institution, like the saying goes no one has to get disappointed or judge their abilities based on the circumstances of not gaining requirements to university because of a decision from any lecturer, teacher or exams like the so called stage managed WASSCE, because they don’t just worth it.

Our prayers have finally been answered God has finally exposed them; WAEC has failed miserably their statistics for the 2022/2023 WASCEE is completely shameful. A big question is how 90 percent of Art students scored an Average A1 grade in Mathematics while failing woefully in English and Literature. Hilarious! How can this be possible, a lot of testaments from even students that do not even know the basics of Mathematics, talk less of them passing the exams at the highest level of exams? This is a call for concern, to all sound and meaningful Academics in Sierra Leone, it has been to long that we have been observing the deceitful practices of WAEC which has render the younger generation to the very brink.

There is no better time, than now to stand up against them. Examination malpractice should not only be condemned by students but also by the highest level of academic. This is just a clear path of examination malpractice that needs to be held accountable for their actions, over one thousand results have being withheld with no proper explanations, in reality whenever WAEC renders a students as a failure in these exams, this totally leads to increased amount of unemployment, crime, idle, disgruntled and underdevelopment in the country.

This is a wake-up call to the government, an educational injustice that needs to addressed as soon as possible. The actions of this institution is one of the main reason for the failing educational system in the country, pondering the thought, why do schools and not individuals always emerge successful at WAEC’s exams, is it that selected schools are the only places students have to be admitted before they can pass these exams and gain entrance into university. At the brick of this educational quest by this present government. Several recommendations have emerged from students and things need to address as soon as possible, WAEC should be blamed for leaked questions and continuous examination malpractices.

The tactics behind this year’s result is to prevent students from entering university because the last year results reflected huge passes. Young generation is being damaged right in our faces, we should see this as no surprise because it is a practice and effect by this so called WAEC institution.

Indeed we need not to forget but to act on all those damaging our educational sector all in the name of pretty trumped up statistics.

Until WAEC is been taken out from the educational confines of this country, let no one speak of quality education because their quality has been a disaster and we now “tip toeing” around the scam deceit mode been put up on students by the scammed WAEC.

However, if students are being chastised and being left dreaded and disappointed at the very end, it will be very fair that WAEC should be chastised and questioned for their lapses and even banned from conducting stage managed exams. Have you ever considered why students even at their host nation Nigeria prefer sitting to NECO and JAMB rather than WASSCE? Have a rethink MBSSE Conrad Sacky, WAEC is a scam and disgraceful examination bodies that has brought nothing but utter-shame and disgrace to our great nation.