“The state of Sierra Leone’s economy is currently in a state of recession, with inflation reaching double digits. In times like these, strong leadership is crucial to demonstrate commitment and address the issues at hand. Unfortunately, it seems that our president lacks an understanding of prudent spending and the need to reduce unnecessary government expenditures, particularly on trips abroad.

Within just a month, President Bio and his entourage have visited Nigeria, China, the UAE, and now the United States, incurring significant government expenses. These expenses are ultimately covered by the hard-earned taxes of the struggling Sierra Leonean population.

One of the unnecessary trips is the visit to the United States, where President Bio is solely delivering a lecture to students at the University of Pennsylvania. Similarly, his wife is also delivering a lecture to students at Harvard University.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with delivering lectures to students, it is disheartening to see the funds allocated for these trips not being used to address the pressing needs of lecturers who are currently on strike in Sierra Leone, advocating for better working conditions. Leadership should be guided by common sense and prioritize the needs of the people.

Sierra Leone is a country with limited resources, and if our leaders genuinely cared about the common good of the people, we would have a better quality of life. Hardworking individuals such as lecturers, police officers, teachers, military personnel, nurses, and doctors struggle to make ends meet with meager salaries, while political appointees who contribute little receive exorbitant amounts of money for their inaction.

I voted for President Bio, and I believe he has the right to travel as president. However, in times like these, it is crucial for leaders to demonstrate responsibility, especially when the country is facing economic hardships. Presently, students in Sierra Leone are unable to take their final exams due to the ongoing lecturers’ strike, while our president spends billions of Leone traveling abroad to deliver lectures at the University of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, such endeavors hold little value for the people of Sierra Leone.