It now appears quite clear that the seemingly unending rift inside the main opposition, All by the Peoples Congress (APC), is nothing but a grand plot masterminded by the ruling Sierra Leone People’s party government.

The grand plot, which seems to be executed by the Sierra Leone Judiciary and the current Interim Chairman of the transition team in the APC, Alfred Péter Conteh, who, by every indication, seems to be acting as an agent of the government inside the main opposition party.

One of the State House Intelligence Unit leaked Conteh’s reports in possession of Salone Compass, it is stated clearly how the government was going to use both the judiciary and the aggrieved APC factions within the APC to destabilize its operation cohesion.

It is therefore not surprising to this medium, when the judiciary, courtesy of Justice Fisher, slammed a perpetual injunction on the former executive of the APC, which thus, paved the way for the current crisis inside the opposition.

Recent public utterances from the First grand Lady of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Bio, who, in a public gathering, stated that the
APC might not present a candidate for the 2023 elections and the recent statement of the
Political Parties Registration Commission’s Chairman saying the same thing as was said by the First Lady lends credence to the fact that the current crisis inside the main opposition is a grand plot to keep the party permanently divided thereby preventing it from participating in the June 2023 elections.

Little wonder why the same judiciary which slammed judgement on the former APC executive is now seen to be dragging its feet in passing judgement on Alfred Peter Conteh, who in every sense, continues to blatantly violate the court ruling that brought him as Interim Chairman of the APC.

Reliable sources within the corridors of power suggest that the current ITGC Chairman of the main opposition is merely executing the evil plot of the SLPP to have an easy 2nd term by permanently confusing the APC.

It is even rumoured that among those in the plot are the former sacked Vice President, Chief Sam Sumana, Peter Conteh and other factions within the main opposition allegedly in exchange for the huge brown envelope.