I have just read the Judgment handed down by the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone yesterday.

I think the government’s legal team presented convincing and logical argument in line with the law.

What I have decipher from the whole thing is that the SLPP carefully planned the introduction of the PR system well in advance and such was demonstrated by the conduct of the midterm census which justified all their arguments in the case.

That was brilliant even though I question the motive of the government to hold the midterm census .

Whether the midterm census results were genuine or not, that argument I will leave for another day but posterity will judge both current the SLPP Paopa government and Statistic Sierra Leone on fine day.

One can see that whether the APC had allowed their supporters to participate in the midterm census or not, there was going to be PR system adopted by this government as long as the ruling SLPP party big guns are convinced the adoption of PR system will be beneficial to them.

The apparent fact is that the population in the opposition strongholds might not have been badly reduced if they had participated in the midterm census.

Whether the adoption of the PR system, at this time of economic hardship and public discontents across the country, will benefit the ruling SLPP party is a matter of wait and see.

June 24 is not far from us but the only thing Sierra Leoneans are yearning for is Free Fair and Credible elections.

But it terms of the legal arguments presented before the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone, I am impressed with the government legal team.
I rest my case