The main public data institution in Sierra Leone, statistics SL, has put about 15 thousand men and women across the country who were employed as data collectors for the 2021 midterm population and housing census on the theme: Quality data for national development from the 10th -23rd December but was later extended to the 30th of December due to field challenges into trauma.
Since the end of that agreement for the above period, the institution has decided to keep meanness with the field staff who according to the contract should receive the remaining 70% payment for their service of data collection across the country from statistics Sierra Leone.
It could be recalled that on the 9th December 2021 one of the main funders of the MTPHC; the world bank withdrew their participation for several reasons but the institution sounded their preparedness to go ahead with the process stating that they have all it takes to continue the process just to end up putting several youths mainly students into concussion by going silence on payment of the field staff.
As a way to justify their failure, they have exploited all delay tactics by requesting bank account from all the field staff of which they don’t have the competent staff to properly input the information into a spreadsheet which later resulted to mismatch of field staff bank information.
“We are patiently drawing the attention of government to stand by their words and make payment to both the enumerators and supervisors” one of the staff stated.