Parliamentary members of Sierra Leone’s main opposition, All People’s Congress (APC) could lose their seats in the next 15 days if they fail to appear in the well.

As it is, runners up could replace the 53 APC MPs who decided to follow their party’s directive to boycott government and governance.

The APC party made this decision due to disagreement with the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) over June 2023 elections result.

The main opposition refused to accept the June results citing that the data given by the ECSL is not tandem with the reality. The party had since called on the ECSL to release results by polling stations as one of their demands.

The ECSL Chief Electoral Commissioner, Mohamed Konneh said in a meeting with Political Parties in July that the Commission conducted the elections with the ambit of the law.

He said the country’s Public Election Act does not compel them to release results by polling stations but rather by districts.

The Commission announced Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) as winner in the presidential polls with over 57 percent thereby escaping runoff against his main contender, Dr. Samura Kamara of the APC.

Meanwhile, the Deputy National Secretary General of the APC, Osman Abdal Timbo told Voice of America (VOA) that they have issued a six month ultimatum to the government to either provide data by polling stations or redo the elections.

As it is, there is currently a no love lost relationship between the main opposition and the ruling SLPP.