The former Vice President of Sierra Leone under the erstwhile APC administration, Victor Bockarie Foh has condemned the APC party to be in opposition for eternity.

Foh, who switched camps to the ruling SLPP, said he was focal for APC victories in 2007 and 2012 when he was Secretary General of the Party.

Foh later served as Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to China and eventually Vice-President after former President Ernest Bai Koroma axed his vice, Alhaji Samuel Sam-Sumana.

However, his relationship with his former boss and the APC quickly deteriorated after the party lost twice in 2018 to President Julius Maada Bio.

Foe, in Pujehun, told SLPP supporters that the decision to join the ruling party is from his volition and was not coerced by any SLPP party stalwart.

The former Vice-President affirmed that the main opposition APC will remain in opposition forever.

Meanwhile, Independent Parliamentarian in the Southern District, Sheku Sama together with former APC cabinet minister Alhaji Moijueh Kaikai declared for the incumbent party.