The Member of Parliament (MP) aspirant for APC constituency 085, Isha Turay, has expressed deep concerns over reported irregularities occurring at several polling centers in Bo, particularly at the center where she cast her vote.

Turay revealed that the addition of polling centers without the knowledge of the APC party in Bo has not gone down well with the party

Turay highlighted that, initially, the information provided indicated eight polling stations per center, including Ansaru station. However, to the surprise of the APC party, the number suddenly increased to nine stations at Ansaru. Similar irregularities were observed at Achievers centers, where the intended number of four stations was augmented to five.

Despite the concerns surrounding the polling center irregularities, Turay emphasized that the voting process itself has been proceeding normally. Registered voters must exercise their right to vote peacefully and choose the candidate they believe is best suited for the position.

In light of these developments, Turay called upon all registered voters within Constituency 085 to come out in large numbers and participate in the electoral process. She emphasized the importance of voting for the right candidate, urging the electorate to exercise their democratic rights responsibly.

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