The former Vice President of Sierra Leone, Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana, has said in Freetown that, no current or intending APC party flag bearer aspirants should see his exoneration from the adverse findings of the COI as a ‘carte blanche’ to become the next party flag bearer.

He emphasizes that no individual is free until all are completely free from all adverse findings of the COI or any other related charges held against all APC comrades are completely dropped.

He added that as comrades they should be seen to be each other’s keepers at all times, come rain and shine. And therefore, for anyone to celebrate his exoneration at the expense of others is a complete betrayal of trust and solidarity for their comrade.

The late Ghanaian President Comrade, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah once said and I quote; “our independence is meaningless unless it’s linked up with the total liberation of the African continent”.

The late outspoken Panafricanist leader will be remembered by all of us for that famous speech he graciously delivered during Independence Day in Ghana, on March 6, 1957.

That speech didn’t go down well with the British colonial masters who saw it as being betrayed and unappreciative to them.

Immediately after assuming the presidency of Sierra Leone, President Julius Maada Bio instituted a judge-led Commission Of Inquiry (COI), to investigate the past APC government officials including, former President Ernest Koroma.

The recommendations of the findings of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) are yet to be fully implemented by the government.

The past few days have witnessed social media buzzing by some APC comrades over the COI, vis-a-vis those indicted or those that have been let off the hook.

Does the APC party have any Kwame Nkrumah in their party, someone who will stand up and say, I will never be free until all my comrades are set free by the COI? Why should some comrades be celebrating their release while at the same time praying for their colleagues not to be indicated which may disqualify them from running for the flag bearer position in the party? This is ridiculous and hypocritical to the highest degree as comrades within the same political party. It shows the hate and “bad heart” that these comrades have for themselves.

Meanwhile, the National Chairman of the party Hon. Minkailu Mansaray has come under heavy attack from some of his comrades who believed that his cases at the COI were dropped because of the personal connection he has within the SLPP. Therefore, they’re now going all over the place and calling for him to resign from his position and call for an emergency national delegate conference.

Again, another flag bearer aspirant, Dr. Richard Konteh has also not been spared bashing because according to them he doesn’t care about the other comrades whose cases are still held up at the Appeal court.

It could be recalled that Dr. Konteh recently posted a copy of his ‘certificate of release’ on social media indicating that he had been exonerated by the appeal court from all adverse findings from the COI. However, the authenticity of the document was challenged by some comrades referring to it as ‘fake’.

The piecemeal manner in which the government itself is giving out information on those matters before the courts leaves us more confused than ever before. For how long will they keep this report in their cupboards, a political analyst questioned.

Meanwhile, there are growing calls from party supporters for all those with cases at the appeal court to make sure they resolve them very quickly before the next national emergency delegate conference which is anticipated to take any moment from now, according to sources very familiar with inner workings of the APC party.