The All People’s Congress (APC), Sierra Leone’s main opposition party, has officially distanced itself from any association with a planned protest related to the alleged November 26 failed coup.

In a press release issued on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, the party clarified its position, emphasizing that it has not called for nor supports any protest in connection with the mentioned event.

The press release, signed by the APC leadership, addresses the circulating information on social media regarding a proposed protest in support of suspects linked to the failed coup. The party categorically denies any involvement in organizing such an event and urges its members, supporters, and the general public not to participate.

The APC, in its statement, recalls its immediate condemnation of the failed coup on November 27, 2023. The party expressed its commitment to supporting and cooperating with law enforcement agencies during the investigations. Notably, the former Chairman and Leader and the National Organizing Secretary of the APC are among those charged in relation to the coup.

The leadership assures the party’s membership that every legal avenue is being pursued to ensure a fair trial and justice for the accused individuals while maintaining their dignity and human rights. The APC calls on its members and supporters to respect the judicial process, refraining from engaging in any unsanctioned protests.

We call on you to be law-abiding and not take the law into your own hands by participating in a protest not sanctioned and organized by the party,” the press release states.

This development comes amid heightened tensions surrounding the aftermath of the failed coup, and the APC leadership remains focused on legal avenues to address the situation while urging its members to prioritize the rule of law and due process.