Towards upholding democracy and restore integrity to Sierra Leone’s electoral processes, grassroots members and supporters of the All People’s Congress (APC) have declared their unwavering support for Dr. Samura Kamara. They have expressed strong opposition to President Julius Maada Bio, asserting that they do not and will not recognize him as the legitimate president, following the presidential elections held on June 24, 2023.

Speaking to the Nightwatch newspaper over the weekend, APC grassroots supporters and other concerned citizens stated that if the APC executive were to accept President Bio’s presidency, either openly or covertly, it would be deemed unfortunate. They emphasized their commitment to Dr. Kamara as a means to safeguard democracy and restore the true outcome of the 2023 elections, which they believe was in favor of their candidate.

The decision to reject President Bio stems from a series of grievances, primarily his failure to fulfill manifesto promises and the violent suppression of civilian protests. The grassroots supporters highlighted the loss of lives during protests, where citizens were exercising their right to free speech, as a key factor in their discontent.

We, the grassroots APC supporters, stand in solidarity with other Sierra Leoneans. We do not align with the APC executive if they side with the ruling party by endorsing Bio’s victory,” said a member of the APC grassroots. “Since 2018, we have faced extreme hardships and witnessed severe restrictions on our freedom of speech. Protesters have been killed by state security personnel for voicing their dissent.

The grassroots movement views the fight for Dr. Kamara’s recognition not just as a political struggle but as a battle to restore democracy in Sierra Leone. They argue that the current economic and social woes can only be addressed through new leadership. President Bio’s tenure, marked by economic stagnation, state-sponsored violence, and corruption, has failed the people, they contend.

Dr. Kamara, an economist, is seen as the beacon of hope capable of reviving the nation’s economy with sound policies and actions. The grassroots supporters believe that aligning with Dr. Kamara is the only path to reversing the damage done by the incumbent regime.

Despite the electoral commission’s announcement of President Bio’s victory, the APC grassroots maintain that the results were manipulated. They demand justice for the slain protesters and a reformation of the electoral process to reflect the true will of the people.

In a final statement, they reaffirmed their support for Dr. Kamara, expressing hope for his eventual ascension to the presidency. They envision a future where economic stability, freedom of expression, and an end to state violence become a reality under his leadership.