Lawyer Lansana Dumbuya Esq., the National Secretary General of the All People’s Congress (APC), has strongly criticized the recent approval of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) funds to the Government of President Julius Maada Bio.

In his remarks, Dumbuya argued that the MCC Compact should not have been awarded at this juncture, as it sends the wrong signal by rewarding a regime that has allegedly undermined democratic principles.

He emphasized that before such financial support is granted, the government must first address the grave concerns surrounding the integrity of the recent elections, which were marred by allegations of widespread rigging.

Furthermore, Dumbuya pointed out that the implementation of the recommendations made by the Tripartite Committee remains crucial to restoring public confidence in the electoral process and ensuring accountability.

“It is imperative that we uphold democratic values, and this cannot be achieved by rewarding a government that is yet to resolve fundamental issues related to electoral malpractice. The MCC funds, in essence, should be a recognition of progress, not a tool that emboldens those disregarding democracy,” Dumbuya remarked.

His statement reflects a broader sentiment within the APC and other opposition factions that believe international partners should press for more stringent reforms before providing substantial financial aid, as premature endorsements may embolden undemocratic actions and erode the fragile democratic institutions in the country.