The President of The Gambia, Adama Barrow has sent a congratulatory message to his Sierra Leonean counterpart, President Julius Maada Bio following his reelection on Tuesday. 

I congratulate the brotherly people of Sierra Leone for your recently concluded Presidential election. I wish you my brother, H.E. President Bio a successful term.

“Also, I pray that your second term will bring more peace and development for your country and the subregion,” Barrow said on his official Twitter account.

Bio was announced winner of Saturday polls after securing just over 56 percent.

He defeated 12 other candidates including the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Samura Kamara.

Kamara rejected the result with the leadership of the APC saying that the election was stolen.

The APC National Secretary General, Lansana Dumbuya accused some members of Bio’s party and staff of the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) of rigging the election.

Bio was sworn in the day the result was announced pledging to foster unity and provide job for the over 60 percent unemployed youths in the West African nation.