President Bio has reacted to the congratulatory message sent from the President of the People’s Republic of China- Xi Jinping on his re-election as President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

He maintained that the relationship between the two countries has been very good and promised to maintain that trajectory.

Bio added that Sierra Leone wished to strengthen its mutual political trust to promote the bilateral relationship and comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership with China.

His statement reads as follows:

“On behalf of the Government and people of Sierra Leone, I thank President Xi Jinping for his goodwill and congratulatory message on my re-election for a second mandate to serve the people of Sierra Leone.

China and Sierra Leone enjoys a mutually beneficial partnership of equals built on strong bonds of trust and respect.

Sierra Leone values its relationship with China and appreciates China’s long-term assistance to Sierra Leone’s nation-building and sustainable economic development.

We shall continue to strengthen our mutual political trust to promote the bilateral relationship and comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership between China and Sierra Leone.”