China’s President Xi Jinping has extended his congratulations to Julius Maada Bio on his successful re-election as President of Sierra Leone in the recently concluded general elections held on June 24th.

President Xi expressed his warm wishes and emphasized the longstanding friendship between China and Sierra Leone.

Highlighting the progress made in bilateral relations, President Xi acknowledged the deepening political trust and the fruitful outcomes achieved through practical cooperation between the two nations.

Furthermore, he emphasized the close coordination exhibited by China and Sierra Leone on international affairs.

President Xi emphasized the significance he places on the development of the China-Sierra Leone relationship, affirming his readiness to collaborate with President Bio.

Their joint efforts will focus on mutual support, solidarity, and coordination to further advance the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries. These efforts aim to effectively enhance the well-being of the Chinese and Sierra Leonean people.

The news was reported by Xinhua, the official state news agency of China, and signifies the continuous strengthening of ties between China and Sierra Leone.