On 14th April 2023, Justice Simeon Alieu issued a five-point order for an interim injunction against the Transitional Interim National Officers Elections Committee (TINEOC) and servants or agents of the Coalition for Change (C4C) party.

Justice Simeon Alieu issued an interim injunction that prohibits the Transitional Interim National Officers Elections Committee (TINEOC) and any servants or agents of the Coalition for Change (C4C) party from conducting any party activities or elections for the appointment of executive members. The injunction also bars them from organizing any national conference.

The injunction prevents them from conducting any party activity or elections to appoint executive members and from conducting any National conference until the court hears and decides on the case on 26th April 2023.

The case was filed by Gevao and Partners on behalf of Sylvanus Tamba Saidu and Mohamed Yero Bah, seeking the annulment of all decisions and conduct of the TINEOC and agents of the C4C party for failing to comply with the party’s 2017 constitution.

They also requested that all executive members elected from elections conducted by TINEOC be declared null and void.

The plaintiffs filed a ten-point notice of motion on 13th April 2023, requesting an interlocutory injunction against the defendants from appointing or conducting any party executive officers elections or conducting any party activity until the case is resolved.

They also requested that the Political Parties Regulatory Commission (PPRC) supervise all the affairs of the Coalition for Change party.

One of the petitioners, Sylvanus Tamba Saidu, alleged in a 23-point affidavit that he was the C4C’s Chairman for Kailahun district and Constituency 010 Parliamentary Nominee for the 2018 elections.

He claimed that the activities, conduct, and decisions of the party’s TINEOC have deprived other potential members of the benefit of contesting and actively participating in the affairs of the party.