Sierra Leonean Civil Society Activist, Edmond Abu Jr. has drawn key insights from the recent Liberian election that he believes hold crucial lessons for political parties in Sierra Leone.

He highlights the meticulous organization and data management employed by the main opposition Unity Party in Liberia, which enabled them to compile and release their own comprehensive election results before the official National Elections Commission (NEC) announcement.

Abu Jr. emphasizes the importance of a well-structured opposition party, emphasizing the Unity Party’s strategic utilization of helicopters to collect results from remote areas and their swift release of 85% of the total results by Wednesday evening, preceding the NEC’s own release of the same data. This proactive approach allowed the Unity Party to stay ahead of the curve and maintain control over their narrative.

He further underscores the significance of unity within the opposition, noting the Unity Party’s successful management of internal conflicts and their ability to mobilize substantial financial resources.

Abu Jr. asserts that relying solely on international support, resorting to emotional appeals, or employing threats of violence will not guarantee victory for an opposition party; instead, it is crucial to emulate the Unity Party’s strategic approach, which emphasizes organization, data management, and unity.

Abu Jr. concludes by acknowledging the potential impact of the Unity Party’s efforts, suggesting that the game may be nearing its end for incumbent President George Weah. He encourages Sierra Leonean political parties to learn from the Liberian experience and adopt similar strategies to enhance their chances of success in future elections.