Former Chairman of the Interim Transition and Governance Committee (ITGC) of  the All People’s Congress (APC) party, Alfred Peter Conteh has predicted that his party will lose the June election.

“Ours is the missed opportunity.

“The outcome of the 24th June 2023 general elections is clear and we will respect the will of the people,” Conteh said on his official twitter page.

He affirmed that the elections will be peaceful and replicas of the past will be averted.

Conteh has a sour relationship with senior members of the party after suing former President Ernest Bai Koroma, party secretary Osman Yansaneh and the APC.

Many grassroot members class him as a reneged but he has stated several times that his intention is to bring reform to Sierra Leone’s main opposition party.

He claimed in the past that the party was undemocratic and needed reform.

The APC will be represented by Dr. Samura Kamara in the June 24 presidential election.

The Presidential Candidate will face his 2018 nemesis and incumbent Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People’s Party.

Kamara lost twice against Bio in 2018 by narrow margins.