The European Union (EU)Election Observation Mission on Sunday raised concern over the tabulation process by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL).

The European Union is concerned about the ongoing tabulation process,” the Observation Mission said in a press release.

The Mission’s Chief Observer, Evin Incir called on the ECSL to be transparent with the tabulation process in order to restore confidence.

Considering the highly polarised political environment and prevailing mistrust, it is imperative that the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone provides full transparency during the tabulation of results,” Incir said.

The Mission furthered by asking the ECSL to grant full access to observers during the tabulation process.

They said their observers are present in all regional tally centres following the process.

Earlier on Sunday, the leadership of the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) accused the Commission of foul play after it refused to display the tabulation process on a projector.

Results have trickled in at regional tally centres which opened on Sunday.

Final results are expected to be announced by the Chief Electoral Commissioner, Mohamed Konneh in the coming days.