Her Excellency, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, has officially opened and delivered a powerful speech at the inaugural Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) Council of District Chairmen Annual Retreat.

The event, themed “Improving Service Delivery and Coordination between Governance and the Party,” gathered key party leaders to strategize on enhancing governance effectiveness and party cohesion.

In her address, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio emphasized the critical importance of unity and the alignment of efforts to advance President Dr. Julius Maada Bio’s national development agenda. She highlighted the necessity of cohesive action and robust coordination between governance structures and party mechanisms to ensure efficient service delivery and address the pressing needs of the populace.

“Unity is our strength,” declared Dr. Fatima Maada Bio. “By working together and focusing on the President’s agenda, we can achieve significant progress for our nation. Our commitment to improving service delivery and governance coordination will pave the way for sustainable development and prosperity for all Sierra Leoneans.”

This retreat marks a pivotal moment for the SLPP, aiming to reinforce leadership capabilities and strengthen the party’s role in driving national progress. The selection of Kambia District for this inaugural retreat underscores the party’s dedication to regional inclusivity and addressing local challenges with tailored solutions.

First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio’s speech set a resolute tone for the retreat, inspiring attendees to embrace a collaborative approach and align their efforts with the broader goals of the party and the government.