Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Fatima Bio has on the 15th October 2023 welcomed and joined Dr. Kandeh Yumkella to the SLPP in Significant Political Reunion.

The event, held at the party’s headquarters in Freetown, gathered many party stakeholders and supporters who were eager to welcome the former leader of the NGC opposition party to the SLPP.

The First Lady extended a warm welcome to Kandeh in a moment of political reconciliation as her willingness to join forces with him demonstrates the potential for a shift in the political landscape and signifies a renewed commitment to shared values and goals not only for their party but the country at large.

Addressing the audience present, the first lady emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration in achieving the party’s shared goals at all times. She expressed her gratitude for the warm reception extended to Dr. Yumkella, stating, “Together, we have the potential to create meaningful change and address the pressing issues facing our nation.”

She stressed on the prevailing unity and cooperation between herself and Dr. Yumkella, highlighting the strength of their collaboration. Her endorsement of Dr. Yumkella’s return to the party further solidifies her commitment to President Bio’s objectives and the party’s pursuit of progress, inclusivity, and development, adding that, the party has a huge task for the 2028 elections and called on party members to begin preparations for future campaigns and emphasized the importance of a united SLPP working diligently to secure a brighter future for Sierra Leone.