Edward Mohamed Turay alias Eddie Turay, a former Leader and Presidential candidate of Sierra Leone’s opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Party has passed away. 

SierraEye reports that Turay died in the United Kingdom today, June 25, 2023.

The late Edward Turay, born on October 24th, 1945, leaves a remarkable legacy of devoted service to his country and a profound impact on Sierra Leonean politics.

After completing his law degree at Manchester University, Edward Turay was called to the bar at Lincoln’s Inn in 1976. He returned to Sierra Leone in 1979 and worked as a magistrate for three years before venturing into politics in 1982.

Turay’s political journey commenced when he successfully secured a seat as a Member of Parliament for Bombali Central One Constituency in 1986. In the parliamentary election of August 2007, he was re-elected as a parliamentarian from Bombali District’s Constituency 33, receiving an overwhelming 73.2% of the vote.

From 1996 to 2002, Edward Turay assumed the leadership of the All Peoples Congress (APC), the primary opposition party in Sierra Leone. In the 1996 national election, he ran as a presidential candidate, ultimately finishing in fifth place with 5.1% of the first-round votes. During his tenure as the APC leader, he also held the position of Minority Leader in the House of Parliament.

In January 2010, Turay was appointed as Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He also served as an accredited envoy to eight other countries, including Cyprus, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Greece.

In 2013, he published an autobiographical book titled “The Prophecies of a Father,” delving into the traditional beliefs and faith of his late father, Paramount Chief Kande Turay of Sanda Chiefdom. The book emphasized the significance of integrating Western beliefs and education with traditional African values.

Beyond his political and diplomatic achievements, Eddie Turay had a profound influence on aspiring lawyers throughout his career. He mentored and guided numerous individuals, nurturing their talents and guiding them towards successful legal careers. Many of his mentees now hold esteemed positions within the legal profession, including Chief Justice D. B. Edwards, Supreme Court judges Vivian Solomon, Alusine Sesay, and M. Deen Tarawally, former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice A. Y. Brewah, as well as lawyer SK Koroma.

Throughout his remarkable career, Turay consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to his country, advocating for peace, progress, and the well-being of Sierra Leoneans. He will be remembered as a dedicated leader, a champion of unity, and a true patriot. Sierra Leone will cherish his contributions and service to the nation.