The air was electrifying; excitement and anticipation engulfed the supporters as the crowd cheered and waved portraits of H.E. Julius Maada Bio bearing the inscription “No Run-Off!”

As he made his way through the throngs of people, the chairman was overwhelmed by the warmth and hospitality of members of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP). They welcomed him with open arms, eager to hear his message and show their support for the No Run-Off Bill.

The streets were lined up with well-wishers, all eager to catch a glimpse of the man they believed could bring positive news from H.E. Julius Maada Bio to their communities. The chairman was moved by the outpouring of love and support, and he took the time to shake hands and speak with as many people as possible.

As the meeting climaxed with the presence of stakeholders and members of the opposition APC that were willing and ready to join the winning train. Statements were obtained from selected stakeholders in complement to the chairman’s agenda most of whom were sectional chiefs.

The sectional chief of Samagbe Pa Gbatima Sheriff was chosen to welcome the Chairman and he was quick to register excitement. “We’re overwhelmed by the presence of the chairman for his outreach and leadership strides. You’re welcome to the place that many have considered an APC-dominated zone by fallacy. We got an insight from the leadership of the Party in the chiefdom that you were going to visit us last night. We are happy that you are here today as we anticipate sharing the good news from H.E. Julius Maada Bio. This is your place, feel at home”, he concluded.

The Chairman addressed the crowd, thanking them for their warm welcome and promising to work tirelessly to make their hopes and dreams a reality courtesy of His Excellence Julius Maada Bio. The cheers that followed were deafening, a testament to the incredible bond that had formed between the campaign chairman and his people. “I bring you greetings from the presidency H.E. Maada Bio. Samagbe has been the community that I’m most connected to. We have been hearing series of information that this place is being dominated by the opposition APC. But from a critical insight, we thought it fit that those charged with the responsibilities weren’t performing their assigned tasks with due diligence. Apologies to everyone that the party has wronged. We’re craving your diligence to come back to where you belong the SLPP. This government have capacitated our people from every sector ranging from monies given to aged people, businesswomen, agriculture, health, and most importantly education. We have been at your doorsteps during every disaster and difficult times. The just-concluded distribution of building materials that were caused by the windstorm is a typical example. With the diligent service delivery and Tok N Do policy”.

“Our President has done a marvelous job for the people of Makpele which is the construction of 100 bed rooms hospital in Zimmi. If H.E. has done all of these, what should be the payback? I think we should give him our unflinching support overwhelmingly.”

“To the task force and women who have served as support groups. We’re enthused to support them with the necessary logistics in performing their prescribed tasks on the border axis in ensuring a peaceful elections. Henceforth, you’re charged with the work to ensure a zero APC vote within this section. There will be a price for that”, Ambassador Eddie Sidikie Massallay ended.

In conclusion, the meeting resounded with a massive exodus of members of the opposition All People’s Congress amid the convincing and satisfactory statements made by the chairman.