The re-elected Mayor of of  Koidu Municipality, Mayor Komba Sam has issued a message of appreciation to residents of Koidu Municipality.

The message of Mayor Komba Sam reads as follows: “June 24 was a historic day in the body politics of Kono; a day the people of the Koidu Municipality unanimously agreed to bestow the leadership of the municipality on my shoulder for the second term through the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP).
As a result of the aforementioned, I want to take this incredible opportunity to render my profound appreciation to everyone for overwhelmingly voting for the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP). With your vote, you have demonstrated your trust in me, and I desire to uphold it. Many thanks to you all for showing your confidence in my leadership pedigree and for giving me, once again, this prestigious and envious position. I assure you that I intend to cater to your needs and listen to all your concerns.
Your vote shows that you trust me to be your voice, and I cannot thank you enough for the confidence that you have shown in me. I promise to lead you to greater heights and accomplish all that I have started. In this election, you have shown me that you believe in my capabilities, I hope to match your expectations and help you all in achieving greater accomplishments. I want to assure you that I fully understand the responsibilities you have bestowed on me. I can assure you that we will all have a wonderful time and any grievance will be quickly resolved. You all know that great power comes with greater responsibilities; with your vote, you have placed me in a position of power that I respect, and I hope you all will help me along the way.

Your vote means a great deal to me. It shows me that you believe in what I stand for and that you support me in everything that I do. For the confidence you have conferred on me, I will help voice your grievances when you cannot, and I assure you that in my position of power, I will ensure that every individual is happy and content.

Today we have made history in the Koidu municipality. It is true that no Mayor has ever served KNSCC for two consecutive terms. Achieving this feat is a clear indication that God’s ways are not the ways of men for He is the impossibility specialist. For those who never acknowledge that a Mayor will serve KNSCC for two consecutive terms, Saturday, June 24th, 2023, was the perfect answer to your long-nurtured doubt. At this point, I am not too particular about the two-term Mayorship but how I can improve my human relationship and open doors to every citizen in our municipality, and step up my developmental aims to see Koidu City as a vibrant and beautiful city in Sierra Leone.

A big thank you to all those who voted for me and the SLPP. I intend to show you that your vote has not been wasted. I will uphold all of the responsibilities and ensure that the trust you have bestowed upon me is not broken.”