Sierra Leone’s Information and Civic Education Minister, Chernor Bah has revealed that President Julius Maada Bio is committed to peaceful engagement to dialogue with the main opposition, All People’s Congress (APC).

The minister manifested this in an interview with the VOA. He said the president has made the call for a peaceful cohesion since the day election results were out in June this year.

He added that the complaint and different issues raised by the main opposition are still under review by mediators who have been on different arrangement with different parties to help solve the problem.

“The most important and pressing thing now is that we need to unite as a nation and come together to push the country forward. It’s time for development, it’s time for unity and it’s time for peace,” he stated.

He maintained that, President Bio is a man of peace and dialogue and that Bio is at all times ready and willing to have peaceful talk with the opposition.

“President Bio is ready, able and willing any day to continue to peacefully engage our sisters and brothers on the other side of the aisle. Sierra Leone belongs to all of us and the president has been consistent in his commitment to dialogue and cohesion,” he stated.