In a candid interview with Concord Times Newspaper at his Parliament office. Hon. Mohamed Bangura, a prominent member of the All Peoples Congress (APC) representing Karene District, voiced his discontent with the current APC leadership.

Bangura specifically targeted Dr. Samura W. Kamara and his team, urging them to resign on the grounds that they have failed their supporters and the nation.

Hon. Bangura’s remarks came in the wake of APC’s decision to withdraw from the tripartite committee, a move he harshly criticized. He highlighted this withdrawal as a betrayal of the trust of APC supporters, suggesting it could lead to widespread chaos. The tripartite committee was established to address electoral issues and ensure governance, areas where Bangura believes APC has consistently disengaged.

The context for Bangura’s comments is the aftermath of the June 24, 2023 elections, in which President Julius Maada Bio was declared the winner. Bangura noted that if APC was dissatisfied with the Electoral Commission’s results, they should have sought redress through judicial means rather than abandoning the committee.

Bangura’s criticism extended to the APC’s broader governance strategy, which he feels has been marred by consistent disengagement. He specifically condemned their withdrawal from Parliament, the government, and the tripartite committee, arguing that such actions are detrimental to the country’s stability.

Despite his strong criticism, Bangura emphasized that neither the committee nor Dr. Samura Kamara has the authority to alter the election results. He reiterated that the committee’s role is advisory, without the mandate to recommend a rerun of the 2023 elections. He urged the APC to rejoin the tripartite committee and work within its limitations to face electoral realities.

Bangura accused the APC leadership of giving supporters false hope by not being transparent about the committee’s limitations. He called on the APC leadership to face the harsh electoral reality and work towards constructive engagement rather than continuous withdrawal.

This public statement by Hon. Mohamed Bangura reflects deep internal divisions within the APC and signals a call for significant change in the party’s approach to electoral and governance issues. It remains to be seen how the APC leadership will respond to these criticisms and whether they will heed Bangura’s call for resignation and re-engagement in the governance process.