In the aftermath of the swearing-in ceremony on November 7, 2023, Hon. Ibrahim Barrie, a prominent member of the opposition All People’s Congress (APC) in Parliament, took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the event.
In a tweet posted shortly after the brief inauguration ceremony held in Parliament, Hon. Barrie stated, “Proud to be among the 52 APC MPs who stood unwavering in the face of election irregularities. Our commitment to our people, our party, and our beloved country is resolute. Together, we’ll continue to strive for justice, democracy, and a brighter future for Sierra Leone.”
The post garnered significant attention, with netizens expressing a spectrum of opinions in the comment section. One user, Azeez, countered Hon. Barrie’s statement, alleging, “You stood for your own selfish interests, not for election irregularities.”
@PRC, another Twitter user, applauded the opposition MPs but questioned the impact of their actions, stating, “Bravo! I don’t know what you stood against. As we don’t see the irregularities resolved. We just see a strong statement from the APC that we never really mattered. JUST A MEANS TO AN END!! Ya’ll only represent yourselves period!!”
Expressing concern for the nation, AbdulKarim Bah commented, “Sierra Leone is losing, but you and your party are winning.”
@Alie Santigie Kamara took a critical stance, asserting, “You guys have not only failed your party supporters but also, you’ve failed this nation.”
In a more impassioned comment, @Mohamed Lamin Conteg questioned, “Who na dam to useless why who na show up,” expressing frustration with the perceived shortcomings of the opposition’s actions.
🤣🤣🤣 person pikin dae try 4 express insef.Ah ya
Thank you very much Mr. Barrie. You have demonstrated your interest in the development of democracy in this country.
It is very unfortunate that some of those PAOPA killer supporters do not want to accept that DEMOCRACY is the best way forward for this country. They are heavely experiencing a lot of sufferings from their Thief, Dictator, Lier, and Human Rights violator, Maada, who is bringing all these problems into this country. Most of them are Pretending that they are enjoying freedom, democracy, abundant jobs for their youths, cheap food, low transportat cost etc etc and that everything is normal. These are people who show the world that “…they are not what actually they are but they seem what they are not…”
Most of the PAOPA supporters do not know that they are Destroying the SLPP party and their chances of ruling this nation in the near future is slim.
Only the very Stupid people do not believe what the Americans stand for. They must know that the Americans and the International world are strongly against Maada Bio’s regime and they will fix him up very soon.
This current President, Maada Bio is illegitimate and he is unrecognized and unaccepted by most Sierra Leoneans and the International community.
The Wise Men from the SLPP ( EAST) must advice Maada Bio to hand over power to the winner of the Elections and move to the ICC Prosecutor to Rip what he has sown.
To me, this is better than destroying the SLPP party and involving more people in his crimes against humanity.
“……A word for the Wise…
Maada Bio prefers the death of the people of Sierra Leone to loosing the leadership position.
However, Maada Bio will one day loose power and may be called former/ ex-/or late president.
So Maada Bio, please get prepare for that.