The National Deputy Secretary General of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) Amb. Alhaji K. Tarawally (Laj-K) has issued a public Statement on the resignation of Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella from the party.

His statement came subsequently after Yumkella joined the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) on Saturday.

Tarawally, who identifies as a steadfast admirer and political protégé of Dr. Yumkella, acknowledged the profound influence that Yumkella has had on his political journey, praising his “unwavering commitment to the progress and development of Sierra Leone.”

During their tenure at the NGC, Tarawally felt indebted for the mentorship and opportunities Dr. Yumkella extended towards him, aiding in their shared goal of national betterment.

The Deputy Secretary General was keen to emphasize his continued allegiance to Yumkella’s mission, irrespective of his shift in party alignment. He spotlighted the progressive alliance between Dr. Yumkella and the incumbent President, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio of SLPP, asserting that their collaboration has considerably bolstered Sierra Leone’s democratic stature.

With the SLPP holding the presidential office and actively engaging in developmental projects under President Bio’s guidance, Tarawally forecasted the party’s ascendancy, potentially leading the political scene as the “Political Galacticos” in the 2028 Election. He also pointed out the promising trend of influential young leaders rallying behind Dr. Yumkella, which bodes well for the nation’s future.

Expressing optimism for the upcoming phase in Sierra Leone’s political panorama, Tarawally extended a call to the NGC members, supporters, and the general public to welcome this transformative era with hope and cohesion. He accentuated the overarching goal of a thriving Sierra Leone, actualized through the “Put Salone Fos” initiative.

The political landscape of Sierra Leone continues to evolve, and the nation keenly awaits its unfolding implications and promises.