In a fervent press conference held at the All People’s Congress (APC) headquarters on Old Railway Line, Brookfields, the parliamentary opposition leader, Hon. Abdul Kargbo, issued a strong call for active resistance against the current administration’s policies. Kargbo, representing Sierra Leone’s main opposition party, criticized President Bio’s government, accusing it of steering the country towards disaster and emphasizing the necessity for a robust opposition to avert a governance crisis.

Kargbo voiced deep concerns about the nation’s economic conditions, describing them as unprecedentedly dire. He accused the current administration of prioritizing its own interests over the welfare of Sierra Leoneans, who are facing severe economic hardships.

“The hardships and economic quagmire under this government are so dire and challenging, and it is the ordinary Sierra Leoneans that are being hardest hit,” Kargbo stated.

The press conference also addressed recent controversial remarks by President Bio, who warned that any attempt to unseat him through violence would be met with force. The APC condemned these statements, warning that they could incite chaos and instability in the country.

Lansana Dumbuya Esq., the APC’s National Secretary General, called on both party members and the government to avoid discussions about the possibility of a re-run election. He stressed that any decision should be based on the Tripartite Committee’s engagements and subsequent recommendations. Dumbuya highlighted the APC’s commitment to the people of Sierra Leone, contrasting it with the current administration’s approach and reiterating the struggles faced by citizens due to soaring commodity prices.

The press conference was part of a broader strategy by APC parliamentarians to address internal party criticism regarding their leadership’s perceived inaction and alignment with President Bio’s administration. The event drew the attendance of diplomats, APC stalwarts, and members of the media, reflecting its significant political weight