Honorable Wuyatta Songa, an elected Member of Parliament representing the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) from Kailahun District, has made serious allegations against her own party during a session in the parliament.

Hon. Songa raised concerns about political interference in parliamentary appointments, particularly highlighting the absence of Honorable Josephine Macque, a former MP from Kenema, in the 6th Parliament due to alleged party politics. The accusations came in the wake of a fellow colleague’s removal from the list of representatives from Kenema District for the 2023 general elections.

During discussions on the appointment of Umaru Napoleon Koroma and others, Hon. Songa expressed her opinion that if she were part of the nomination committee, she would have advised the President to place Umaru Napoleon Koroma in a more significant role.

Her comments sparked a lively exchange among MPs, with many voicing support for her sentiments. Despite her critique, Songa also encouraged Koroma to make the most of his current position, assuring him that he would excel and eventually attain greater responsibilities.

However, Hon. Matthew Nyuma, the Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, countered Songa’s views by referring to the Standing Orders of Parliament.

He emphasized that the appointment committee’s role is to vet presidential nominees, not dictate appointments. Nyuma clarified that Parliament does not wield control over such decisions.

Responding to the Majority Leader’s corrections, Hon. Songa appreciated the clarification and reiterated her standpoint.

She asserted that her intention was to offer advice if given the opportunity and reaffirmed her entitlement to her own viewpoint.”