Senior member of Sierra Leone’s main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Party, Lawyer Sorie Tarawally has cautioned his party against boycott of governance.

Those who brought us the boycott of the ill designed midterm census are now promoting a boycott of government and governance post 2023 elections,” Tarawally said.

He said the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) will care less about their boycott and rule until 2028 elections.

The APC member said their strategy for this election was a failure and need to visit the drawing board ahead of the next elections.

We have to engage the Sierra Leonean people; attempt to engage all the people from all regions of the country.

“Tone down on the invectives; allow inputs from all people,” Tarawally said.

He added the formula they used in 2023 is similar to 2018 and they lost both elections with the only difference being the margin.

We lost 2023 as we did 2018 only with a wider margin,” he said.

While Tarawally and some few members of the main opposition have conceded defeat in the 24 June presidential polls, a large following of the party have refused the results calling on the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) to release results by polling stations.

The ECSL have not acceded to their request forcing the party to boycott government and governance.

Last week, only one APC Member of Parliament was present for the taking of Oath of Office ceremony.

The party’s leadership have refused to challenge the results in court citing that the Judiciary lacks independence.