There are empty streets around Freetown and beyond due to a sit at home strike messages circulated on social media days ago. The messages were sent on Whatsapp from a Sierra Leonean based in Holland popularly called Adebayo, the head of a group called People’s power in Politics (PPP).

Adebayo said in the audio that people should stay home today and on tomorrow they should demonstrate against the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) against the voter’s ID card and other issues.

Adebayo was identified as the man that orchestrated the August 10 demonstration that escalated to the loss of lives of many Sierra Leoneans and Police officers.

The government saw that attack as an act of overthrowing the President who is now running for a second term under the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP). There was a report that was published about the August 10 that implicated many perpetrators to the disaster which are yet to be brought to justice.

On social media and other platforms show many empty streets and close shops around Freetown and beyond. Even the business streets are empty due to the fear of violence.

Though some parts of the country heeded to the sit at home strike, others have been seen going about their normal businesses in some areas.