In a surprising turn of events, renowned female politician, Dr Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, has publicly mocked popular political Commentator Adebayor after an unsuccessful planned demonstration in most parts of Sierra Leone.
Known for his popular slogan “CLASS STAND!!!”, Adebayor had rallied supporters with the promise of a powerful demonstration. However, it seems that the anticipated show of strength did not materialize as expected.
Sylvia Blyden took to her social media page to mock the popular political commentator by stating, “We are NOT standing up again.” wherein she means that the people are no longer following instructions from Adebayor.
In a further remark, Dr. Blyden made reference to former president Ernest Bai Koroma, expressing her belief that he had withdrawn his political support from Adebayor. In her words, “Last Week, I told EBK’s Dog that EBK had withdrawn his political support,”. Blyden believes that Adebayor is a phenomenon created by former President Koroma.
In Sierra Leone, there have been recent protests resulting in casualties among both civilians and police. These demonstrations were reportedly organized by an organization called People Power in Politics (PPP), led by Adebayor.
Adebayor’s message and call is heeded by most Sierra Leoneans. Sylvia cannot downplay that!
Adebayor’s message and call is well heeded to, no way you downplay that!
This girl call Sylvia blyden don’t know herself honestly i expect her to stand firm for the will of the people for the women in the first place and fuck to the pinnacle of ECSL AND THE SLPP
Most of you people are stupid,how can one man who is not in the country instructed you people to demonstrate when he is not among, and most most of you are talking rubbish about a woman that is more than your class
If you want to protest come forward and ask for permission.
How can you organize protest and don’t make yourself known.
We need the protest but we need a leader to organize it well and make sure nothing goes wrong
Content when you are talking about those who listened to that APC dog called Adebayoh, just say the stupid APC supporters listen to him and not Sierra Leoneans because Sierraeineans are decent and reasonable people who will never listen to idiots and morons like Adebayoh. You the APC fools (not the smart and reasonable ones in the APC) should keep on listening to him until he sends you all to your graves. Idiots.
What gain those this sit at home brought.
Our mind set are still not clear
Mohamed conteh and Bangura, if you believe that the dog so called adebayor was heeded to , why were your elements not seen out there today? this of your reckless political bigotry and lack of respect for your parents is what you extend to people that are not your coequals, Mohamed A Bangura, can you say fuck to the pinnacle of the apc and by a greater extension your family?
These of your maladroit, barbaric and ferocious behaviour should stop.
But by your names and behaviour, you people are of no surprise as that’s the true identification of apc dogs and adebayor’s trainees.
Is Freetown, more East End of Freetown the place in Sierra Leone.because fewer people in the east end . Because whenthey are out demonstrate, you said its the whole nation.
May I know please why this people want some Sierra Leoneans to protest because the election is a week or 2 away so why the demonstration
This woman is so frustrated 🥴 so when the protest did not materialize as expected must you mock people? so you wanted the killing 😞
“We”, means being part of, but your king always says ” we” while he is in Holland. We all 4go fight. If u know the true history of S/ Leone, u will not refer to Maada as a barbaric leader