Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, a prominent critic, journalist, and staunch activist for the All People’s Congress (APC) political party, has publicly congratulated Hon. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella on his noteworthy decision to return to the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP).

In a heartfelt statement, Dr. Blyden extended her support and well-wishes to Dr. Yumkella, emphasizing her role as a loyal and unwavering APC member with a long history of criticizing SLPP.

Dr. Blyden’s statement reads, “In my capacity as a loyal, unshakeable APC Member and a long-term critic of SLPP, I here extend my Heartiest Congratulations to Hon. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella for a meritorious return to his original SLPP. I wish him well in pursuits to make Sierra Leone a better place; although from the green corridors. God bless you KKY.”

Notably, Dr. Blyden clarified that any previous critical posts she may have made regarding other individuals, including Falaba Yumkella Mansaray, have no connection to Dr. Yumkella’s return to SLPP.

This development has ignited discussions within the Sierra Leonean political landscape, as observers contemplate the potential implications of Dr. Yumkella’s return to his former party, and the unexpected support from a prominent APC figure like Dr. Blyden.