The United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Bryan Hunt, visited the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) office in Koidu City, Kono District, on Tuesday.

Safea Moiwa, the SLPP Kono District Chairman, and other senior party members welcomed Ambassador Hunt and his team to their office on Kaikondu Road.

The discussions reportedly centered on key issues related to Kono’s development, with a particular focus on President Bio’s “Big Five Game Changers” initiative, seen as a cornerstone for nationwide development.

Ambassador Hunt’s visit reflects his commitment to engaging with communities across Sierra Leone. He reportedly held in-depth discussions with local leaders and representatives from various sectors to gain firsthand insights into the district’s development strategies.

The discussions also covered ideas for boosting agriculture, lessening reliance on diamond mining, and strengthening governance. With support from USAID, the leaders explored ways to empower women and promote community development.

Many in Kono District and beyond believe these initiatives aim to drive sustainable growth, improve resource management, and ultimately benefit the people of Kono and Sierra Leone as a whole.