Leone Stars Coach Amidu Karim has confirmed that Middlesbrough defender Alex Bangura will start making himself available again to start playing for the Sierra Leone Senior national male team.

He made the revelation during a press conference today, Thursday, May 30th, 2023, at the Home Suite , Aberdeen.

He revealed that the player is  willing to play for Leone Stars but according to his club Alex would not be available to play for the national team in June because he is just recovering from injury.

Alex did return to club football action before the end of the Championship season. However, he will hopefully be available to play for the national  team when he is fully fit .

Alex last played for Sierra  Leone in two International friendly matches against Bafana Bafana of South Africa and The Leopards of Congo Dr on 24th and 27th September 2022 Respectively.

The first match took place in Johannesburg, South Africa whilst the second was played  in Rabat, Morocco.

The Leone Stars Coach Amidu Karim is holding a press conference today, Thursday, May 30th, 2023, at the Home Suite , Aberdeen at 12:Pm.

The Press Conference came against the Back drop of Sierra Leone 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifying matches against Djibouti and Burkinafaso next month.

After the recent release of Coach Karim squad list, there has been concerns from the media over the exclusion of players like Alex Bangura, Issa Kallon and  Musa Noah Kamara  from the National team .

Sierra Leone will host Djibouti on the 5th June, 2024. The Leone Stars will Clash With Burkina Faso on the 10th June 2024.