Sierra Leonean FIFA badge Female Referees Humu Marah [central] Precious Adama Amara and Coach Hannah conteh have been appointed by the West African Football Union [WAFU] Zone A to officiate the upcoming 2023 CAF Womens’s club Championship qualifiers in Liberia.

The tournament will feature four teams from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, and Senegal, all vying for a chance to advance to the next stage of the competition.

The qualifiers are scheduled to kick off on August 7, 2023. The opening match of the day will see Liberia’s defending champions, Determine Girls, take on As Mande from Mali. The day will conclude with a match between Senegal’s As Dakar Sacre Coeur and Sierra Leone’s Mogbewmo Queens.

On August 9, 2023, As Mande of Mali will face off against Sierra Leone’s Mogbewmo Queens, while As Dakar Sacre Coeur of Senegal will battle it out against Liberia’s Determine Girls.

The duo of referees, Humu and Precious, who recently successfully underwent the 2023 FIFA Member Association Course for elite referees in Sierra Leone are three of the most outstanding and excelling female officials in the country with a high level fitness and professionalism.

The highly anticipated WAFU Zone A Qualifiers will culminate on August 12, 2023, with a match between Senegal’s AS Dakar Sacre Coeur and their French counterpart, As Mande. Hosts Determine Girls will wrap up the competition by taking on neighboring team Mogbewmo Queens from Sierra Leone.