Leone Stars Winger Kwame Quee has called on the Sierra Leone Football Association to protect players in the Sierra Leone Premier League while executing their duties on the pitch of play.

His appeal came following alleged motherly invectives rained on him during his appearance in an away match between Old Edwardians versus Wusum Stars in the Leone Rock Premier League at the Wusum playing field Makeni on Saturday 2nd December, 2023. Quee was later shown a red in the goalless away encounter.

Reacting to the said incident, Quee posted “Football is all about love respect, but what I had today in makeni Wusum stars is unacceptable For a team assistant coach and team doctor All over the stands people were abusing my parents & that’s why I walk off before the substitution and one particular person who was sitting beside the match commissioner says something which I heard & I responded to him sit down and mind yours business, he also spoke to the referee to give me red card # slfa we need protection in all cost it’s not safe for us as a players. Coming back Home to play is not a bad idea but some of us Needs to be respected”

Quee Joined Old Edwardian FC for the 2023/2023 Premier League season after his short absence from Competitive football.

He netted an equalizer on his debut against Luawa FC on Tuesday at Trade Center Playing field in the Leone Rock Premier League