Leone Stars Sport-care Therapist Joris De Vos has today at the SLFA Secretariat in Freetown commenced a two-day seminar with medical personnel of Premier League Clubs in Sierra Leone.
The Belgian born therapeutic expert arrived in Freetown on Tuesday April 6th on the invitation of the Sierra Leone Football Association to help uplift the standard of sport care in the Sierra Leone football with specific reference to the Premier League.
Declaring the event officially open, the General Secretary Christopher Kamara admonished the participants to take the seminar seriously and professionally, reminding them that their work “is key to the development of football players in the country”.
Kamara thanked the facilitator Joris De Vos for accepting the federation’s invitation to come and share his knowledge with football medical officers in Sierra Leone.
As part of his lined-up activities, Joris is expected to witness a few Premier League matches to get firsthand experience on how football medical teams, especially therapists, carry out their responsibilities during professional matches.
Day 2 of the seminar, which will climax Joris’ one-week activities in Sierra Leone, will be held on Tuesday April 12 at the SLFA Secretariat, Kingtom Freetown.