The King of New School Music from Sierra Leone, Benjamin Menelik George, commonly known as Drizilik has unleashed his new video in town titled ‘Decide.’
Drizilik has been called the king of new school music because he has been consistently racking up hits for over three years. His ability to be poetic in both hip-hop and Afrobeat earned him his nickname.
His first two hits “Exodus” and “Problem” featured Masterkraft, Markmuday and Jooel. These monsters hit singles rocked airwaves in Sierra Leone and Africa until the end of 2022.
His recent album Ashobi has and still making hits in the entertainment industry. The album featured prominent celebrities including Marvel Studios cast Idriss Elba.
“Ashobi” is a Krio word derived from the Yoruba language and means to wear the same clothes and unite.
Drizilik, on his track “Decide,” honored the creator as the master of his life and his planner. He entrusted the Almighty with daily, monthly and lifelong decisions. This new video stands high among videos in the industry owing to the high level of graphics. This among other videos produced by Sierra Leoneans has shown that the entertainment industry can proudly compete to the rest of the world
Check this out and follow the celebrity on all his social his media platforms.