As he strive consolidate gains by his Predecessor, the newly appointed Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE), Mr. Conrad Sackey, has paid an unannounced visit to schools in Freetown ensuring that schools authorities adhere with Price list that was agreed upon by both MBSSE and school authorities.

After his various visit, the Minister posted, “Today, I made an unannounced visit to few schools in Freetown in ensuring that school authorities are complying with price list that was agreed upon by both the MBSSE and school authorities. I was impressed seeing schools displaying the price list infront on interview halls. That’s the way to go!”

The New Minster formally took over office on Tuesday 8th August 2023 during the handing over ceremony done at the MBSSE Headquarters where he revealed that unlike other ministers, his job is difficult because he is prevailing the best-performing minister in the last leadership.

He remarked  that he will do all he can to conform in the shoe of his precursor who is now the Chief Minister.

He said, “My predecessor has built a solid partnership with a number of partners nationally and internationally. I am new, and those partnerships are based on David’s relationship. I need to go back to those partners in my first 100 Days in office to reinforce the fact that we will be consolidating the gains that have been made by Dr Sengeh. Where there are new trends and imagined issues, we want to respond to those as quickly as possible.