The Minister of Technical and Higher Education Dr. Ramatulai Wurie has disclosed in a Press briefing the resignation tendered by the Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sierra Leone , Professor Lawrence Kamara and informed the press that Ministry has accepted the decision of Prof Kamara.

The announcement was made during the Press briefing at the Ministry’s Conference hall in New England Ville Freetown on Tuesday 6th February 2023.

The Minister said, this is an opportunity to search for an international renowned scholar to act as VC&P until the substantive is appointed. This individual can bring external perspectives and initiatives to promote performance management and leadership styles as strategic measures to rebrand the university.

The Minister of Higher and Technical Education (MTHE), Dr. Haja Ramatulai Wurie, appoints Prof. Lawrence Kamara as the Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal (VC&P) of the University of Sierra Leone (USLn.

However, on 25th January the dissolved University Court decided to announce the approval of Prof. Mohamed Samai in compliance with the provisions of the University Act adding that the Court made its position clear that it did not recognise Prof. Joseph Aruna Lawrence Kamara as the “Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal” of USL.

MTHE is set to institute investigation immediately regarding the problems of the former Court.