Kush smokers in the verge of processing the deadly drug destroyed late Etta’s grave in search of bones to prepare Kush, a dangerous substance that had claimed many lives of youth.

Kush has been the worst enemy of the country of recent claiming many lives of youths. The drug can make it users go into intoxication for over 30 minutes and of recent it has been providing wound on the feet of it users making them unable to walk and live normal. These wounds that it impact on its users are incurable. The effect sometimes lead to death.

The government through the Police has put in place several measures to stop the transportation of this drug to the country thereby arresting several vehicles in the borders transporting the drug. However, the traffickers still find a way to smuggle Kush into the country.

To process the drug, it producers use dead human bone as part of the nutrients. They glittered the human bones into smaller particles and mix it with other dangerous chemicals. According to doctors, glittered human bones when smoked to the brain could cause cancer wound in the body and such wound is incurable.

Family members of late Henrietta Mbawa in celebration of the disease birthday visited her grave and found out that the grave was burst open on the left foot side by Kush producers to extract the bones of the dead to prepare Kush.

Commenters on social media felt disappointed about the situation and pray for the Nation to come out from this menace.