The daughter of Hawa Hunt, former contestant of the ongoing House of Stars Reality TV Show season two, Alicia Hunt has rendered her disappointment with the management team of her mother.

According to the daughter, the management team who has been in possession of her mom’s phone, running her different Social Media handles has been giving her contradicting information on a number of things.

The daughter disclosed that the management team has denied knowing who is running the GoFundMe that was created in relation to Hawa Hunt’s issue and also not knowing who is running her Facebook page.

Alicia said that she is feeling awful that people with good heart that want to help have been deceived.

The daughter said she had reported the the GoFundMe account and have received respond that they are investigating it.

She also disclosed that there is a process by which donations can be refunded and she will post a tutorial on how to do it soon.

Alicia’s mother, Hawa Hunt was arrested live on the reality TV show for an insulting video she made more than a year ago abusing the President, Julius Maada Bio and his wife, Fatima Bio.

Hawa, who was granted bail on her first appearance in court, spent the New Year in prison after failing to meet one of the bail conditions according to his former lawyer. The issue has remained one of the most discussed among locals with some calling for release citing that she was exercising her freedom of expression.

However, others disagreed with Hawa tagging her to be uncouth and rude for abusing the president and first lady.