For nearly two decades, Sierra Leonean entertainers have witnessed a transformative shift towards the digital landscape. Musicians, filmmakers, comedians, and others have embraced social media, but the advent of comedians-turned-musicians Sasqo and Orbatheh marked a paradigm shift in the industry dynamics.

Undoubtedly, Sasqo and Orbatheh have made remarkable strides, capturing the hearts of thousands and securing lucrative deals. In this piece, Alusine Rehme Wilson explores eight valuable lessons that old-school entertainers in Sierra Leone can glean from the success stories of Sasqo and Orbatheh.

Lesson 1: Originality is Key. One of the primary reasons for Sasqo and Orbatheh’s relevance is their commitment to originality. Creating authentic content sets them apart from others who resort to imitation. Originality has solidified their positions and garnered recognition.

Lesson 2: Consistency is the Golden Ticket. While consistency is the golden ticket to success, many old-school entertainers fail to tap into this resource. Sasqo and Orbatheh consistently showcase their lives, ensuring a steady stream of engaging content. This consistency has played a pivotal role in their success.

Lesson 3: Embrace Versatility. Sasqo and Orbatheh’s seamless transition from comedians to musicians showcases their remarkable versatility. Old-school entertainers can learn to evolve and expand their reach by embracing versatility and exploring different avenues in their careers.

Lesson 4: Engage with Your Audience. Active engagement with the audience sets Sasqo and Orbatheh apart. Responding to comments and messages fosters strong relationships, cultivating a dedicated fan base. Old-school entertainers can deepen their connection with supporters by adopting this personal touch.

Lesson 5: Embrace Change. Sasqo and Orbatheh’s willingness to embrace change and adapt to the digital era has kept them relevant. Old-school entertainers should leverage digital tools and explore new ways to stay visible and successful in an evolving industry.

Lesson 6: Politeness and Modesty. Displaying politeness and modesty, Sasqo and Orbatheh have garnered appreciation from their managers, fans, and the public. Their humility contributes to their continuous growth, providing a stark contrast to the arrogance of some established artists.

Lesson 7: Compete with Yourself. Sasqo and Orbatheh focus on surpassing their personal bests, consistently delivering exceptional performances. This self-competition has propelled their financial gains and success. Established artists can learn to prioritize personal growth over external competition.

Lesson 8: Unity is Strength. Despite initial rivalry, Sasqo and Orbatheh’s management teams fostered collaboration, resulting in a harmonious relationship. Old-school entertainers, embroiled in feuds, should adopt a unified approach for collective success, as demonstrated by Sasqo and Orbatheh.

In conclusion, Sasqo and Orbatheh’s success exemplifies valuable lessons for old-school entertainers. Originality, consistency, versatility, audience engagement, and unity are pivotal for capitalizing on new opportunities and achieving higher levels of success in Sierra Leone’s ever-evolving entertainment landscape.

Source: Awoko