Ibrahim Foday Kamara, a farmer, and Mohamed Sinneh Conteh, a tailor on Thursday 23rd March 2023 made their first appearance before Magistrate Marke Ngegba of Magistrate Court No.1.

The accused persons are standing trial on three counts of charges, Burglary and Larceny contrary to section 25 (1) and 13 (a) of the Larceny Act of 1916, Unlawful possession of Small Arms and Ammunition, regulation 22 of the Arms and Ammunition Regulation 2014, Statutory Instrument No.8 of 2014.

The particulars of the offense on count one stated that the first accused Ibrahim Foday Kamara on Friday 16th March 2022 at Masumana Village in Port Loko with the intent to steal broke into the dwelling house of the compliant Hawa Kamara and stole one blue rubber drum valued at three hundred Leones which is the property of Hawa Kamara.

On count two it was alleged that the second accused person Mohamed Sinneh Conteh on Friday 16th December 2022, at Masumana Village, Port Loko was found in possession of one SLR gun without a license, and count three stated that the second accused person Mohamed Sinneh Conteh on the same date and time unlawfully concealed one SLR gun without Lawful Authority.

After hearing from both prosecution and defense counsel, the matter was adjoined to another date for further hearing and the accused persons were remanded at the Male Correctional Center.