Concern Mothers Movement for Women’s Participation in Development has pay a courtesy visit to the Regional Police Commander South, Assistant Inspector General (AIG) Brima Kanneh in a significant step towards fostering collaboration between community development initiatives and law enforcement.

The meeting took place on Thursday, August 31, 2023, at the Regional Police Headquarters, marking a pivotal moment for partnership in the southern region.

The objective of this familiarisation visit was to initiate a relationship between the Concern Mothers Movement and the regional police, with a core focus on enhancing road safety and reducing the accident rate in the southern part of the country.

AIG Brima Kanneh warmly received the delegation and conveyed his heartfelt appreciation for the initiative of Concern Mothers Movement to collaborate with the police. He expressed confidence in the police’s commitment to addressing road safety issues and curbing lawlessness among both commercial and private motorists and riders.

Underlining the primary responsibility of the police to safeguard the lives and property of Sierra Leone’s citizens, AIG Kanneh extended his full support to the movement’s efforts. He emphasized the importance of partnership between civil society organizations and law enforcement in fostering a safer environment for the community.

“You have my blessing and be rest assured that my officers are ready to work with you; report to me any contrary approach from the side of the Police,” AIG Brima Kanneh stated, underlining his dedication to ensuring a fruitful partnership.

CEO Haja Mamie Baindu Bockarie provided a concise overview of the “Concern Mothers Movement for Women’s Participation in Development.” Founded on June 17, 1998, the organization has been actively operating since 2018. Bockarie appealed to humanitarian organizations and individuals in influential positions to join forces in motivating the organization’s staff and supporting its noble cause.

The movement’s motto, “Together We Develop Sierra Leone,” underscores their commitment to national progress. Bockarie further highlighted their role in overseeing zebra crossing points, especially during school hours, to ensure the safety of schoolchildren.

The meeting concluded with undisclosed discussions that left the Regional Police Commander South in high spirits, expressing his desire for the collaboration to continue.

This momentous visit not only emphasizes the importance of fostering partnerships between community development initiatives and law enforcement but also signifies the beginning of a concerted effort to enhance road safety and uphold lawfulness in Sierra Leone’s southern region. As the Concern Mothers Movement and the regional police join hands, their collective action promises a brighter and safer future for the citizens of Sierra Leone.