Thousands of people lined the streets of Jimmi Bagbo, Bo District to welcome home Information Minister Chernor Bah. The event was held to appreciate President Bio for his appointment as native of Bagbo Chiefdom to the prestigious position in the cabinet.

Paramount chiefs, community leaders, cabinet ministers, friends, and well-wishers from Bagbo Chiefdom and the wider Bo District showed up in impressive numbers to support the young minister.

In his presentation of the Minister to the People, Hon. Victor Foh, who is an uncle of the Minister, thanked President Bio for appointing one of them. He hailed the young politician as a humble, diligent, and extremely bright man who has exhibited these traits since he was a child. He explained that Chernor Bah, who is commonly called Ceebah, has strong roots in every corner of the country and will work to advance the vision of President Maada Bio. He said Ceebah would be a bridge builder but that he would never forget his roots in Bagbo.

In what many saw as a passing of the torch, the former Vice President held Minister Ceebah’s hand up and handed him over to the people and party leadership.

In his response, Minister Bah said he was overwhelmed by the show of love and support and thanked President Bio for the privilege to serve. He committed to work with his people and promised to never forget them noting that this was the first time a cabinet minister had been appointed from Bagbo in 62 years.

Resident Minister South, Hon. Mohamed Allie chaired the occasion and committed the party’s support for the young minister. The visitors were welcomed by the Paramount Chief of Bagbo, PC R B Koker. Statements of support were made by various stakeholders including the venerable Fuaad Daboh, Director General of NASSIT.

A key highlight of the event was the presentation of special appreciation gifts by the Fula stakeholders of the South Region representing Hon. Bah’s paternal side.

The impressive event featured performances by leading traditional singers and dancers and was graced by multiple cabinet ministers, heads of agencies, and other leading personalities from the party and the region.

Following the official event, Minister Ceebah poured libation at his late grandmother- Madam Salamatu Jamanya Blake’s grave, and opened one of the two community taps he’s constructed in the lead-up to the event.